Young barristers

The competition to secure a pupillage is fierce. However securing a pupillage is not the end of the struggle: next you must secure tenancy, and then build a stable and successful practice. The Kalisher Trust recognises that the first few years of a junior barrister’s practice can be physically, mentally, emotionally and financially draining.

Kalisher help

The Kalisher Trust can facilitate opportunities for students who are intending to, or already practising at the Criminal Bar. All applicants must demonstrate “exceptional promise but modest means” and will be judged against the Trust’s criteria for assistance. Amongst the qualities we look for in candidates are:

  • Intellectual ability: demonstrated by academic performance, past work, activities and other experience
  • Motivation to succeed at the Criminal Bar: including steps taken to acquire the personal skills required of a Barrister, and a demonstration of the will to succeed
  • Potential as an advocate: both in oral and written skills
  • Personal qualities: including self-reliance, independence, integrity, reliability and humanity
  • Financial need: candidates may be asked to supply to the interview panel, in confidence, information demonstrating financial need

To make an enquiry about assistance from Kalisher, please click here.

Legal internships

The Trust aims to help those who are finding their feet in practice by funding internships at prestigious legal organisations. This can help to build a junior barrister’s skills and practice, and assist them in building professional relationships. Please see our Legal internships page for more detail.

Involvement with Kalisher Education Outreach

The Trust also offers education outreach opportunities for young barristers aspiring to a career in the criminal law.

Provided they meet the Trust’s selection criteria, young barristers are invited to shadow and then contribute to our education outreach activities. Seeing experienced barristers and judges in action, as well as making informal contact with Kalisher Trustees and volunteers, gives a more rounded view of the work of criminal law practitioners. Although unpaid for their time, young barristers are reimbursed for travel expenses.