Dr. Camilla Darling: a massive “Thank you”


Everyone at the Kalisher Trust would like to pay heartfelt thanks to its outgoing Vice Chair, Dr. Camilla Darling, who stepped down in February after over five years of service.


Camilla has been working for the Trust for almost 20 years, first she was a core member of our volunteer body; she was appointed as a Trustee in 2011 before taking on the role of Vice Chair in 2018.


Camilla has been an inspiration to us all through her commitment to the Trust, her mastery of every aspect of the Trust’s current work and her vision for the future. Throughout her time with the Trust and even as Vice Chair, Camilla has been keenly and personally involved across the full range of the Trust’s activities, from “Kalisher Couture” (the regular events where students and pupils can pick up for free pre-loved court wear donated by Kalisher supporters), to Interview and Advocacy training for students and pupils, right through to our flagship Education and Outreach programme aimed at inspiring sixth-form students and introducing them to critical thinking and public speaking. From the freshest BPTC student to the Lord Chief Justice, Camilla knows everybody: not in the superficial sense, but in the truest sense of taking the trouble to get to know people and to remember who they are, what support they may need and – importantly for us at Kalisher – how they may be able to contribute and play a part in the life of the Trust themselves. She is one of those rare people who can see not only what needs to be done, but how to achieve it. Indeed it is largely because of Camilla’s extraordinary level of personal commitment that, over the period of her tenure, the Trust has seen an exponential rise in both its sphere of operation and its influence and standing. We owe her a very great deal.


Camilla continues her association with the Trust as a member of our Senior Counsel Group and we look forward to welcoming her to future events, whether it be as a special advisor, volunteer, or simply as an honoured guest after all her hard work.